
Here are some of the moving pictures. Please contact me if I missed something. Thank you!


“Gamified Control? China’s Social Credit Systems”

Kybernetik und Kontrolle – Von der autoritären Nutzung von Daten in China und anderswo” at the “Brave New World” Confence of the German Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (FIfF) #FIfFKon18. [German]

Sporangium” my thoughts on digitalization and society in eight minutes. Thanks to Julika and Rainer for inventing this wonderful format and all the other amazing speakers. Spongangium was invented for Bits und Bäume.


Video Digitaler Salon: “Score me maybe?” 30.10.2020 [in German]

“Video Digitaler Salon: Score me maybe?”
30.10.2020 [in German]


  • 06.03.2020 Interviewed by bildung.netz.politik. – Politische Bildung in Zeiten von Digitalisierung und Social Media. Because the video is only on Google’s data-grabbing Youtube platform I only post the link [in German].
  • 25.10.2018 BR Interview at the Münchner Medietage 2018. Because the video only available on Google/Alphabet’s Youtube platform and this companie’s data-grabbing, I give you the link only. I’ll recommend using a safer browser to use Youtube.
  • 13.04.2018 SWR2 Nicole Köster “Die dramatischen Folgen der digitalen Revolution in China / The dramatic impacts of the digital revolution in China” [German] Because the video only available on Google/Alphabet’s Youtube platform and this companie’s data-grabbing, I give you the link only. I’ll recommend using a safer browser to use Youtube.
  • 29.12.2017 ZDF Interview [German] Because the video only available on Google/Alphabet’s Youtube platform and this companie’s data-grabbing, I give you the link only. I’ll recommend using a safer browser to use Youtube.