
Publication in “Blättern für deutsche und internationale Politik”

My article „Soziale Kontrolle 4.0? Chinas Social Credit Systems” is published in July’s Blättern für deutsche und internationale Politik The English version „Social control 4.0? China’s Social Credit Systems” on Eurozine‘s webside.

Conference talk Video

Keynote on 2018th ML-Conference Munich

With “Gamified Control – China’s Social Credit Systems” I am invited to deliver the keynote on this years “ML Conference – The Conference for Machine Learning Innovation” in Munich. Gamified Control meets machine learning developers.

Discussion talk

Talk at Technical University of Kaiserslautern

Prof. Katharina Zweig and the local branch of German Informatics Society invited me with my talk “Gamified Control – China’s Social Credit Systems” to the Technical University of Kaiserslautern.

Conference talk Video

Gamified Control? China’s Social Credit Systems meets re:publica 18

02.05.2018 – STATION Berlin – Stage 2 → 17:15 – 17:45

About_me contact encryption Katika Kühnreich Work

Contact me

For talks, workshops, articles, interviews and questions the easiest way to get in contact is via email. My email is kuehnreich AT posteo DOT de . I prefer encrypted emails and I am happy to help with encryption if help is needed. My GPG key is: —–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—– mQINBFzBzeYBEADLKLj0CTpLICL7gAw3h4szGGiNHvFxM8H2U/OOyZa8nx4L2ODl QK9kvioZyHgXwwlYKg7Rld1RDHgpAhIZvo9I3QiGyg1Gc03MkRN/ks9wUdTTUbOg xtpKT5tLE1aobWFkKI4w5nklJuuwuKwMMD6DFrKLrUWMQnjozNMd/pa5SM0pWt6y Zpm4JCKxCMTMxccxdYB6R3hqUaP5OnpGgg07USJ+X2xupBHzK+OtwTKeQfloGMkw […]

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Media reactions to “Gamified Control? China’s Social Credit Systems

My talk was followed by a huge media reaction. I simply could not give enough interviews or answer enough messages of different media.

Conference Discussion Media talk Video Work

Chaos Communication Congress 34C3: Gamified Control?

China’s Social Credit Systems I had the great honour to present my talk on China’s Social Credit Systems on the 2017th Chaos Communication Congress (34C3) in Leipzig, Germany. It was the first time I gave that talk and it was great being at the Chaos Computer Club‘s annual conference.


Media Responses to the Bizplay Keynote

Here are some media responses (in German):