
Smart Prisons: Tracking, Monitoring & Control

On the following weekend the Disruption Network Lab hosts the “Smart Prisons” conference in Berlin. Parts of the conference will be streamed.

Discussion talk Video

Talk at the D.A.I. in Tübingen

Titled “Macht 4.0: Einfluss und Kontrolle der Sozialen Medien” [Power 4.0: Influence and Control of Social Media] I will present a talk with a follow-up discussion at the D.A.I. in Tübingen […]


Under construction

Because the menues developed some kind of digital rabies and stuff could not be found right away this webpage is currently under construction.

Blog Work

Protests in China and Western Tech Companies

As the protests in China go on, technology is used by the protesters as well as the government. As in other countries, a high risk race between protesters and police can be watched in China. And again, western tech companies seem to be playing on the governments side.

Blog Work

Protests in China

As protests are erupting in China Westerners can be reminded that China is not a quiet country. In different Chinese cities people marched organised against the government policies.

Donation Support me Work

Donate to Support me

The Swiss Stiftung Freie Gemeinschaftsbank, a non-profit umbrella foundation based in Basel, founded a fund “Fond Digitalisiertes Leben/ Digitized Live” that supports my work.

Blog Work

Stop the War!

Audio Interview Media Video

Interview with Dissentpodcast

The new year starts with an interview with Lukas Ondreka / Dissentpodcast [in German]. We talked about digitalisation, gamification, and manipulative capitalism. The interview can be listened to at TAZ.blogs and at Dissentpodcast.

Blog Work


Hello world, it has been quiet for a time now on this page, because I need more time offline.But you can still reach me via email and donations are still possible, too. Take care!Katika

Conference Discussion gamification Panel talk Video

stop playing games with me // no planet left – game over?

Bizplay invited my to it’s 10th birthday October 14th 2021 in Karlsruhe.