About me

Picture of Katika Kühnreich
Copyright Katika Kühnreich

My name is Katika Kühnreich, I am a Master (Magistra) of Political and Chinese Science with an emphasis on philosophy.

Among my research focuses are the societal and environmental implications of digitalisation. This includes changes in society, in working and living conditions by technologies like so-called social media and artificial intelligence. Theoretical and ideological backgrounds of these technologies as cybernetics and gamification are topics of my analyses.

On these topics I deliver talks, workshops, teach at universities and work as a writer and advisor. There is a contact site to get in touch with me.

Since my talk on the Chaos Computer Club’s 34C3 the topic has gained more and more attention. It led to this blog which is still under construction. It contains my contact information, media links, and information on donating for me to keep me and my independent research going.

Since my talks on big stages I had to get comfortable with loads of pictures of me online. At Wikimedia are some high quality pictures by Jan Michalko.

02.05.2018, Berlin: Talk: Gamified Control? China’s Social Credit Systems Speaker: Katika Kühnreich Die re:publica ist eine der weltweit wichtigsten Konferenzen zu den Themen der digitalen Gesellschaft und findet in diesem Jahr vom 02. bis 04. Mai in der STATION-Berlin statt. Foto: Jan Michalko/re:publica

You can find more information on my on the …and how it all started page.

You can “rent me” for talks and discussion. I write for money and often without. But I do not write or talk because of money. You can pay me for my time, but not for the words I will say.

Support me

If you like my work, you can enable me to do more and feed me.
As I do not like big data-hungry platforms, you just can give me money when you see me or send it to one of my bank accounts. You can do it once or on a regular basis (e.g. monthly) if you have the resources to spare it. Every penny is appreciated.