You like my work, it might helped you out and you want to support my independent research?
You can support me in several ways: You can book me for workshops, talks, and written work.
And you can donate money via a fund in Switzerland
Stiftung Freie Gemeinschaftsbank
Meret Oppenheim-Strasse 10
4053 Basel
IBAN CH26 0839 2000 0282 2031 5
Recipient: Stiftung FGB
Purpose of payment: Digitalisiertes Leben
If you do not want or need a donation certificate you can still put money on the following bank account:
Katika Kühnreich | GLS Bank | IBAN: DE 69 4306 0967 0011 6097 00 BIC: GENODEM1GLS
Thank you! 谢谢!