Playful Convergences on Oct 18, 2018: bizplay Congress in Karlsruhe
I am happy to have had the opportunity to deliver this years keynote at bizplay Congress in Karlsruhe.
This is bizplay in Steffen Walz’ own words:
Playful Convergences on Oct 18, 2018: bizplay Congress in Karlsruhe connecting Automotive, AI & Creativity
Published on March 30, 2018
Steffen P. Walz
Save the date for the 7th bizplay Gamification Congress to take place on Thursday, October 18, 2018 in Karlsruhe, Germany. bizplay 2018 will be dedicated to three increasingly overlapping strands,
- #Automotive
- #AI
- #Creativity
In the coming weeks, my co-organizers (Dirk Metzger, Christian Birnesser, Frank Thieme) and myself as bizplay’s curator, together with my team at gerenwa, will finalize a day’s program packed with engaging and rousing talks, interactive demos as well as hands-on workshops – all about #playful and #gameful applications and technologies, and their positive and controversial effects on (and from) markets & businesses, policy & politics, as well as on the arts & sciences. Please stay tuned and watch out for further announcements.
Come join us in Karlsruhe, home to leading research-intensive university KIT, super-duper media arts museum ZKM and one of my favorite after-hours bars, to enjoy thought-provoking contributions by and discussions with e.g.
- Annegret Maier, Head of Data Strategy & Analytics, Audi (DE) – see this short article on behavioral driver data.
- Bryce Bladon, Communications Director, AxiomZen (CAN), who with his fellow founders has gamified the Blockchain with the utmost clever, keeping a whole lot of Ethereum trading quite busy.
- Timo Bularczyk, Digital Transformation HR, Daimler (DE), who will report on Mercedes-Benz’s uniquely gamified recruiting effort that in 2017 unfolded at the “world’s largest tech event”, Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal.
- Katika Kühnreich, PhD Researcher & Social Movements Activist (DE) – watch her unnerving talk from the 2017 Chaos Communication Congress, titled “Gamified Control? China’s Social Credit Systems”.
- Ruurd Oosterwoud, Founder, DROG (NL), one of the masterminds behind Bad News, the ingenious #FakeNews “vaccination” game beating disinformation with its own weapons, see the game’s website at
- Prof Dr Sabiha Ghellal, Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart (DE), one of the pioneers of so-called Pervasive Games & Transmedia Experiences who will report on the role of creativity in teaching gameful application design.
Media responses:
Here are some media responses (in German):
StadtZeitung Karlsruhe