Vor unglaublichen 25 Jahren kamen tausende Menschen unterschiedlicher Strömungen und sozialer Hintergründe ins US-amerikanischen Seattle, um die Welthandelsorganisation WTO und die Staats- und Regierungschefs zu konfrontieren. Für ihre Politik und deren Auswirkungen auf den Planeten und seine Bewohner:innen.
29 Nov99-Seattle,WA: Five activists from the Rainforest Action Network climbed a giant crane and unfurled a 2000 square foot banner just before dawn today, protesting the World Trade Organization’s anti-democratic policies. The action marked the first day of the WTO ministerial meetings. „Using a celluar phone to talk to the press while hanging from the crane, climber John Sellers said: „The WTO is a threat to democracy and our hard-one environmental, labor, health and safety laws and must be abolished.“ The activists remained high over the Seattle skyline until just past noon when they voluntarily surrendered to the Seattle police. All five climbers plus one support person were arrested.
An unbelievable quarter century ago, people of many believes and backgrounds came together in Seattle. They confronted the Word Trade Organization (WTO) and leaders of the western countries for their politics and the consequences for the planet and its inhabitants.
29 Nov99-Seattle,WA: Five activists from the Rainforest Action Network climbed a giant crane and unfurled a 2000 square foot banner just before dawn today, protesting the World Trade Organization’s anti-democratic policies. The action marked the first day of the WTO ministerial meetings. „Using a celluar phone to talk to the press while hanging from the crane, climber John Sellers said: „The WTO is a threat to democracy and our hard-one environmental, labor, health and safety laws and must be abolished.“ The activists remained high over the Seattle skyline until just past noon when they voluntarily surrendered to the Seattle police. All five climbers plus one support person were arrested.
Am 16. November 2023 hat mich die BUKO im Format „talk&act“ mit dem Vortrag „Schöne neue soziale Welt? Wie sogenannte »Soziale« Medien Gesellschaften verändern“ eingeladen