Es freut mich, mit meinem Vortrag „Gamified Control“ am 19.06.2018 als Keynote-Sprecherin auf die sehr spannende MLConference nach München eingeladen zu sein.
In 2014 China’s government announced the implementation of big data based social credit systems (SCS). The SCS will rate online and offline behavior to create a score for each individual and company. Functioning on gamification, they combine powerful tools to influence its users.
Today governmental and commercial SCS exist, the government was cited to become world leader of SCS and in 2020 at least one of these systems will be mandatory. While the official goal of the SCS is to level economic development and to bring harmony, sincerity and trust to the whole country, the question is what the “side effects” might be. It displays the ramification of huge amounts of information provided via ICTs and so-called “social media”. They demonstrate possible consequences of the combination of big data and nearly endless storage on the one hand and evaluation by algorithms, artificial intelligence and deep learning on the other.
China’s SCS are seen as examples of a tendency that exists in most countries: the attempt to solve social problems with technology. This leads to the question how critical thinking and societies themselves can develop in a reality that is constantly rating behavior to create a score that will be defining vast parts of our life.
19.06.2019 13:45 Uhr Raum Cuvilliés
Sheraton Munich, Arabellapark Hotel Arabellastraße 5 81925 München